(Affiliated to the University of Rajasthan & Rajasthan Technical University)
    Re-accredited with A++ Grade (3.82 CGPA-Highest in the country) by NAAC-UGC
Re-accredited with A++ Grade (3.82 CGPA-Highest in the country) by NAAC-UGC || Awarded with 101-150 Rank in "India Rankings 2023 : College" by NIRF-Ministry of Education, Government of India || Awarded status of “College of Excellence” by UGC || College with “STAR STATUS” recognized by DBT, Govt. of India, New Delhi || UGC recognized Mentor to NAAC accreditation aspiring colleges || Declared as Model College by the Government of Rajasthan ||

Support and Sustenance

The internal quality assurance mechanism of the institution is called "Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)". The IQAC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the college.The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a quality system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the academic and administrative performance of the institution and also encourage measures towards enhancement of quality. This cell also promotes the research and consultancy services of faculty members and assures quality in all the programs and activities of the institute through continuous planning, monitoring and evaluation for the betterment of the students and the institution as a whole.All events in the college are held under the aegis of IQAC Cell.

An anti-ragging cell is in place in college to maintain a healthy academic atmosphere in the college and inculcate the feeling of safety and security among students. Ragging is STRICTLY prohibited under the Indian Laws.Anyone found guilty of committing any acts of ragging and /or indulging and / or attempting to indulge in any of its forms will be liable to be punished under Indian Penal Code, 1860.Maintaining the dignity of an individual is the topmost concern at Subodh. The college is proactive against any kind of teasing, harassment or ragging of students. The college cell, as per UGC guidelines, has a Vigilance Squad to ensure safety of students in general and girls in specific. The college premises, laboratories and corridors are equipped with CCTV cameras and facilitate video surveillance at all hours. Students may contact the following in case of anycomplaints

The Composition of the Anti-Ragging Committee :
S.No.NameAvailabilityContact No.
1.Dr. Vikash Bairathi08:00AM-02:00PM97844-56521
2.Dr. Satish Chaturvedi11:00AM-05:00PM94141-11151
3.Dr. Harbhajan Singh08:00AM-02:00PM94600-71085
4.Dr. Rajnarain Sharma10:00AM-04:00PM75977-29152
5.Ms. Simple Pareek10:00AM-04:00PM93144-07177
6.S.H.O. Gandhi NagarOffice Hours0141-2719026
The Anti-Ragging Cell is responsible for maintaining a healthy atmosphere in the college by patrolling the activities of the students and taking action against the students who are found involved in such practices.All the students are required to submit Anti-Ragging affidavits as an enclosure with admission form.Students and their parents/guardians have to submit a written undertaking regarding non-participation in ragging. Online undertaking is also to be filled up by the students as per Government of India/ UGC directives.

All the students in the institution are insured under The New India Assurance Company Ltd. In case of any mishap, the students have a support of the insurance policy. As per policy, sum insured for each student is Rs. 2,00,000/· in the case of accidental death and permanent total disablement along with Rs. 5000/-for Medical and first aid expenses.

The Cell will deal with the cases / complaints of sexual annoyance and any other type of harassment/requirement of the female students, teaching and non-teaching women staff of the college. In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Women Commission and Government of Rajasthan. Our campus has established this committee to handle various gender sensitive issues. The committee aims at protecting the rights of the female faculties and students in order to create a safe and complacent environment. It addresses all kinds of discrimination and harassment issues that might threaten the dignity of any of its constituents. A Drop Box has been placed at different places in the campus so that students can easily share their issues on gender inequality, violence or any other problem. All grievances are addressed promptly.

The Grievance Redressal Cell (GR() aims to look into the complaints lodged by any student and redress it as per requirement The administration and staff are accountable to solve the problems of the pursuer, to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute. Suggestion boxes are available at different places so that the students may submit their grievances without any hesitation.

Subodh has initiated Mentor-Mentee Cell, which provides guidance and all information related to the students. The mentor-mentee cell in the college tends to encourage the mentee to develop and channelize his/her skills and talents through an appropriate forum or activity of the institution (fine arts,sports, workshops, conferences, etc.). We follow a system under which each class is put into the multi pronged web of a teacher. Every student is treated as an asset to the college. In keeping with the goal to make its students responsible citizens of the country, The mentor keeps the track of all the records of his mentee in terms of his regular classes, appearing in CIA & End Semester,scholarship taken, preparing for competitive exams like c.A, CS, CMA, (LAT, c.AT, MAT etc. Mentee can turn to the mentor for any kind of support and guidance. Parents can also come and meetthe concerned mentor to know aboutthe well-being of theirward.

SCIENCE CLUB The Science club has the objectives of cultivation of awareness, consciousness and opportunity for learners to explore various aspects of science as well as development of analytical and critical thinking. Its main aim is to trigger interest among the students in science,applications of science and its interface with society. Various events and activities such as National Science Day, National Technology Day, Poster Making Competition, Quiz Competition,Seminar, Guest Lectures and Health Awareness Programmes are organized by this club. Small projects are also given to students under the aegis of this club.

The objective of the Commerce Club is to expose students to the practical challenges in a business scenario. The club aims at building the self-confidence and increasing financial literacy among students. Business Quiz, Group Discussion, Power point presentations, Guest Lectures, Industrial Visit, Debate, Competitions to improve not only communication skills but also personality and attitude of students are a few activities conducted by the commerce club. Commerce Club is a great way to spark student's interest in learning different facets of Commerce. It gives students a chance to question how or why things work and work toward solutions. The club gives students a safe environment to learn and interact with others with similar interests. The Industry-institute Interaction committee works closely with this club.

The Humanities Club encourages community involvement through cultural experiences such as plays and concerts, as well as through analysis and discussion of literature, art, psychology, journalism and tourism. Activities like debates, newsletter publishing, wall magazines.quizzes, etc. are conducted on a regular basis. Other activities conducted under this segment are Guest Lectures, Workshops, Movie screening and Movie review, Essay/Creative Writing/ Short Story writing competitions, Visit to TV Channels/ Newspaper offices, Photography exhibition and competitions, Exhibitions on Literature themes/ authors and Visit to Mental Health and Rehabilitation centres etc.

It is voluntary group with an objective to raise awareness and understanding of environmental issues. Various activities like growing kitchen gardens, maintaining vermin-composting pits, construct water-harvesting structures in the college, practice paper recycling, to prepare inventories of polluting sources and forward it to enforcement agencies tree plantation, awareness programme on Biodiversity Conservation, Awareness about pathogenic aspect of soil and water and their impact on health,awareness programme and community participation for water conservation etc. are been conducted under this club every year. The celebration of nationally and internationally recognised days such as World Environmental Day, Ozone Day, Wildlife week celebration, Van mahotsav are some of the important programmes of this club.

The Literary Society in the college is more than just a society for reading and writing; it is also a place where students from all the streams can come to share their insights on politics,life,and college issues. It aims towards strengthening the competencies of the students in the field of literature and language and also to develop their perspectives in real life.From time to time, the society organizes a rich and diverse array of literary activities such as debates, declamations, group discussions, poetry writing and recitation, shortstory writing, quiz contests, interactive lecture sessions, etc. The Literary Society of the college has been instrumental in building a community of creative,imaginative and thoughtful human beings.It has created deep awareness about several issues of local and global importance. It basically sensitizes students to react constructively to disparity and injustice in modern society, inculcate socially desirable values such as empathy and cooperation.At the individual level, the students have been greatly benefitted by their performance and participation in the events. They have also acquired some highly valued skills in professional field, such as effective communication, leadership skills, interpersonal communication skills.

This committee provides academic and personal support to students, offering guidance on course selection, study strategies, and career pathways addresses student concerns, provides resources for mental health and well-being, and promotes a positive learning environment. Committee also serves as the primary platform for students to voice their concerns, suggestions.and feedback about various aspects of college life,ensuring that student interests are represented in college decisions, as well as it provides advice and input on college policies.student welfare.academic programs.and extracurricular activities.aiming to enhance the overall student experience.

Committee conducts regular yoga and meditation sessions for students, faculty, and staff, promoting physical health,mental well-being,and stress relief as part of holistic development. It organises workshops and awareness programs highlighting the benefits of yoga and meditation in daily life, encouraging the college community to adopt these practices for improved lifestyle and wellness. Committe also coordinates special events and celebrations on occasions like International Yoga Day, engaging the wider community and fostering a culture of health and mindfulness on campus.

This club empower students with knowledge about electoral rights, voter registration and the election process and organize activities like mock polling, poster design,seminars,and opinion polls to promote the significance of voting. Club also ensure & all eligible students above 18 are enrolled as voters with proper IDs promoting a sense of civic responsibility.