(Affiliated to the University of Rajasthan & Rajasthan Technical University)
    Re-accredited with A++ Grade (3.82 CGPA-Highest in the country) by NAAC-UGC
Re-accredited with A++ Grade (3.82 CGPA-Highest in the country) by NAAC-UGC || Awarded with 81st Rank in "India Rankings 2024 : College" by NIRF-Ministry of Education, Government of India || Awarded status of “College of Excellence” by UGC || College with “STAR STATUS” recognized by DBT, Govt. of India, New Delhi || UGC recognized Mentor to NAAC accreditation aspiring colleges || Declared as Model College by the Government of Rajasthan ||

Activities & Events (Conferences / Seminars / Webinars / Symposium / Workshop / Gest Lectures and Other Activities [Session 2022-23]

International Conferences :

International Conference on “Literary Legacy of Booker Prize Winners”

Two day International Conference on the Literary Legacy of Booker Prize Winners was organized by ELT@I Jaipur Chapter, in collaboration with the college on October 7-8, 2022. More than 130 participants from colleges and universities of India and abroad registered for the event. The keynote speaker was Prof. Sudha Rai, the Former Head, Department of English, and Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Her address discussed all that goes in making a Booker prize winning work. Dr. Sanjay Arora, the National President of ELT@I and Dr. Bandana Chakrabarty, Vice President of the association appreciated the efforts and participation of the college. Principal Prof. K.B Sharma gave a welcome address stating the need for collaboration of science and literature in the present times. The participants presented their research papers on myriad themes.

Power Seminar :

Power Seminar on “Introduction to certification path and career opportunities”

Department of Computer Science in collaboration with ICT academy organized a power seminar on “Introduction to oracle cloud infrastructure, certification path and career opportunities” in virtual mode on December 10, 2022. Ms. Azeez Raasheeda, Fathima Solution Engineer – Oracle, Mr. Diptendu Mukherjee Associate Consultant – Oracle, were the keynote speakers.

Power Seminar on “Startup Ideas”

A power seminar on “Startup Ideas” in virtual mode was organised by Department of Computer Science in collaboration with ICT academy on “Startup Ideas” in virtual mode on November 30, 2022. Two keynote speakers, Sh. Sanjeev Bhatia, Transformation Coach and CEO, Knowability Ventures and Sh. Ved Shukla, first generation Entrepreneur, Speaker, Trainer, Coach and Social Activist, enlightened the audience by their knowledge and experience.

Workshops :

Workshop on “Film Making and Acting”

On December 10, 2022, college with Nirjeet Entertainments organized film-making and acting workshops for the students and the film “Bhram” made by the students in the college premises will be displayed in the Khamma -Ghani Film-Festival Jaipur -2024.

Workshop on "Creating an Ecosystem for Startups”

A two-day workshop was organized by Entrepreneurship Development and Incubation Cell & Department of BBA in collaboration with Poddar Business School, Jaipur on “Creating an Ecosystem for Startups” on December 2-3, 2022. The workshop was initiated by Dr. Ashish Dixit, Dean, Training and Research, Poddar Business School; Mr. Sharad Parikh, Relationship Manager, Poddar Group of Institutions and their team. On the second day, Mr. Nand Kishore, Founder and CEO RSN Group of Companies; Mr. Mohit Sawhne, MD and CEO, Finova Capital and Mr. Amit Sharma, Founder and Director, My Stay Rooms shared their experience, struggle and success story with the students.

Workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights & Patents and Design Filling”

Department of Computer Science in association with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM), Government of India, Nagpur organized an online one day workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Patents and Design Filling” on September 30, 2022. Mr. Bharat N Suryawanshi, Assistant, Controller of Patents & Design, GNIIPM, Nagpur was the resource person.

Workshop on Stock Market

Department of Business Administration organised a National Workshop on Stock Market in Association with Bombay Stock Exchange and Proficient Minds on July 30, 2022. The keynote speaker was Mr. Suhas Rajput. Around 170 students participated in the seminar through online mode.

National Workshop on “Data Science Using Python”

Department of Computer Science organized a one-day national workshop on “Data Science using Python” on February 21, 2023. The speaker was Mr. Dinesh Bhatia, Corporate Trainer from CADD Centre, Jaipur. The basic purpose of workshop was to explore the power and simplicity of python and data science. This workshop was appreciated by all the students as they were able to add another programming language in their technical skill set. The students were given the mix of theory and practical knowledge of python & data science. More than 135 students attended the workshop.

National Workshop on “Full Stack Development”

Department of Computer Science organized one day national workshop on “Full Stack Development” on March 17, 2023. The speaker was Mr. Rakesh Sharma, Corporate Trainer, Edureka Learning Centre, Jaipur. The basic purpose of workshop was to give a detailed knowledge about FSD. The trainer explained basics of HTML, CSS, Boot-Strap, SQL, Mongo-DB, Node-JS and React that are some prominent technologies in Web Development. More than 112 students attended the workshop and gained from it.

Translation Workshop

A two-day Translation workshop was conducted in collaboration with Azim Premji University, Bengaluru on March 28-29, 2023. This workshop was a prolific outcome of the MOU signed between the college and Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. Total 28 faculty members participated in this workshop. The objective of the workshop was to motivate the faculty members to dive deep into the realms of translation so that the textbooks can easily be accessed by students. Mr. Vishal Jain and Mr. Himalaya Tehseen were the resource persons of this immaculate workshop who laid emphasis on the need of translation in the present circumstances of our country and state Rajasthan.

One Day Workshop on “Combating Human Trafficking and understanding Bonded Labour”

A workshop on “Combating Human Trafficking and understanding Bonded Labour” was organised on May 6, 2023 in collaboration with International Justice Mission (IJM) in which ADJ Ms Ashka Rao, DLSA Jaipur and Advocate Ms. Sharon Jacob shared their valuable thoughts through PPT and videos to create awareness among students.

Two Day Literature Festival

A two-day Literature Festival was organised by the Department of English in collaboration with The Great Book Tour on April 27-28, 2023. The fest included various sessions of the authors in which the authors interacted with both the faculty and students and shared their life experiences and success. It also included the workshops and various competitions for students.

Guest Lectures:

Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science organized Guest Lecture on “Artificial Intelligence- From Science Fiction to Reality” on November 22, 2022. The guest speaker was Prof. Abdul Sattar, Griffith University, Australia. Prof K. B. Sharma, Principal welcomed Prof Sattar and said that guest lectures on current and demanding topics are very helpful for students to understand the depth of concerning topics with realistic examples. Prof. Sattar gave his lecture on algorithms of AI and asked that soundness and completeness of algorithm is the root of logical thinking. He concluded that AI is playing important role in everyday life but it cannot replace human being. More than 380 students from various departments attended the guest lecture.

Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology and Women Welfare Cell jointly organised guest lectures on "Myths & Facts related to Mental health and Stress Management issues" on the occasion of World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2022. Dr. Pankaj Mittal, Senior Consultant, Department of Psychiatry, SDMH, Jaipur and Dr. Geetu Sisodiya, Counselling psychologist addressed the faculty members and students.

Department of Philosophy

A lecture was organised by Department of Philosophy on March 27, 2023. Prof. R.P Sharma and Dr. Deepak Shrivastav, BND Government College, Chimanpura were the guest speakers. The lectures dealt with the role of philosophy in human life- health and various aspects of Indian philosophy.

Department of EAFM

Department of EAFM organized Guest lecture on Skill India Initiative: A tale of Employability Generation by Sh. Mohd. Kalam, SEO PMKY 3.0 (SHI) on August 27, 2022 with the idea of giving exposure beyond the classrooms to the students of various streams.

Department of BBA

Department of BBA & Entrepreneurship Development and Incubation Cell organized Guest Lecture on “Investors Awareness Programme and Financial Literacy” for the students and faculties of our college on February 8, 2023. The Investor Awareness Programmes are under the aegis of Investor Education & Protection Fund (IEPF), The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India organised by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). CA V.K Jain conducted the session and explained about power of compounding and importance of savings and investments.

Training Programmes :

A training program on Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was organized at college premises under the joint aegis of National Service Scheme units and Mahatma Gandhi Hospital. Dr. Divyansh Gupta, Mahatma Gandhi Hospital was the chief guest and demonstrated the CPR process.

A training program conducted by Azim-Premji University, Bengaluru on February 8, 2023 to generate resources in social sciences, sciences, humanities, public health and other subjects in Indian languages.

A Training cum Placement Program for students of all streams (Placement on Assessment basis) conducted by DXC Technology in collaboration with ICT Academy which was an initiative of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India, State Government and Industry. The 240 hours training comprised of 120 hours Virtual Live Instructor led Training and 120 Hours of Self-Learning started on August 4, 2022. After completion of 120 hours of Virtual Live Instructor led Training, an online exam was conducted on September 16, 2022 for the students. The objective behind the training was to increase the employability quotient of the students under the Social Initiative for Student Transformation, Skill India and Digital India.

Educational & Industrial Visits:

Department of Botany organized industrial visit on December 12, 2022, for M.Sc. students. Botany visited Herbarium and Botanical Garden, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Dr. Praveen Mohil gave the information about the preparation and maintenance of herbarium with their significance. There were thousands of specimens of different plants. They identified lots of plants including herbs, shrubs and trees with the help of experts.

Department of Botany organized a visit to Ayushraj Enterprises Limited for the students of M.Sc Semester III on December 7, 2022. Students observed analytical division which is well equipped with all of instrumental, chemical and microbiological analysis relating to Ayurvedic, Herbal, Nutraceutical food and pharmaceuticals. After the visit, few of our post graduate students joined Ayushraj for internship programme.

Students of Department of Economics visited the Census Department-Bhamashah Data Centre, Jaipur on October 17, 2022. Students learnt about the e-governance system, security system and start up initiatives and support by government.

On October 11, 2022, students of the Botany department participated in training, forestry and wildlife awareness programme organized by Rajasthan Forest and Wildlife Training Institute, Jaipur. Certificates of participation was given to each and every participant of the workshop with the faculty members.

Department of Geography organised a trip to visit B.M. Birla Planetarium, Jaipur. This institute gave students the exposure towards the concepts of astronomy. There was an interactive session organised by the institute on “Cassini – An Incredible Voyage” of Saturn Planet. In simulative dome of planetarium, the story of Cassini was incredible. College organised the visit in two slots: September 23, 2022 and October 18, 2022

Department of Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication organized Industrial Visit to Doordarshan Kendra on November 11, 2022. At the outset, the students were introduced to the Assistant Director- Mr Dharmesh Bharti, who guided the students around the production studios and showed them the sets where all the recording takes place. Then, the students were taken to Studio 2 where Mr Murari Gupta, made them view the live news broadcast for 15 mins and they earnt the cohesive function of the newsreader along with the producer. The various departments in Doordarshan also gave students an insight on to what fields exist behind the scenes.

The Department of BBA organized industrial visits cum picnic under the academia-industry interface initiative for the students of Semester II, IV and VI on March 4, 2023.The students of Semester IV and VI visited FRUBON, Dev Milk Foods Private Ltd. located in Mahindra World City, Jaipur. Visiting this state-of-the-art plant gave the students an opportunity to have an insight into the working of an ice-cream and other milk products manufacturing industry.

The students of BBA Semester II visited Jaipur Rugs, which is one of India’s largest manufacturers of hand knotted rugs, headquatered in Jaipur. The students learnt about the production, export and sale of rugs from the weavers to the customers and were amazed to the functioning and marvellous designs of rugs being manufactured in the company which is operating in six states and 600 villages of India with a distribution to over 40 countries and an independent base of over 40,000 artisans.

The students of Commerce visited Rajasthan Patrika for an industrial visit on March 11, 2023, where the officials warmly welcomed them. Students were given a chance to have a look at the printing and editing process of the daily newspapers. Statistical Report of daily newspaper production was also provided by the officials.

Department of Journalism & Mass Communication organised the trip to Dainik Sandha Jyoti Darpan Printing Press on March 28, 2022. The supervisors explained how the press has evolved from the ancient to the modern age. The students were shown how actually the paper passed from one machine to another, how various colours were integrated and the papers getting ready within no time 40,000 copies were delivered per hour.

Department of Hindi organized educational visit to Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur on April 8, 2023. Students enoyed the play of Munshi Premchand which is based on Munshi Premchand's famous story 'Bade Bhai Sahab' which deals with the education of elder and younger brother. From this story, students learnt not only education is important but also the involvement in extracurricular activities is equally important to lead a healthy and happy life.

Faculty Development Programme:

A two day Faculty Development Program was conducted in collaboration with Azim Premji University, Bengaluru on March 28 and 29, 2023. The objective of the program was to motivate the faculty members to dive deep into the realms of translation so that students can easily access the textbooks. Mr. Vishal Jain and Mr. Himalaya Tehseen were the resource persons of this immaculate workshop who laid emphasis on the need of translation in the present circumstances of our country and Rajasthan.


Felicitation Ceremony

Visit of Shri Ajay Bhatt, State Defence Minister (Raksha Rajya Mantri) on September 13, 2022 for the purpose of felicitation of exemplary piece of works/duties performed by NCC cadets in various fields of consideration.

Nature Centered Development Programme

Bharat Vikas Sangam organized an event on "Nature Centered Development" on April 5, 2023, in which Former campaigner of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak and patron of Bharat Vikas Sangam Shri K.N. Govindacharya expressed his views and said that we are misusing the resources of nature and future generations will have to think about it. Water Conservator Padma Shri Laxman Singh Lapodia and Vice Chancellor of National Institute of Ayurveda Prof. Sanjeev Sharma were also present in the program. Sharma said that development should be for the happiness and progress of human beings. Giving the example of Lapodia village, Padma Shri Laxman Singh said that not only at the government level but also the people themselves should come forward for conservation of nature.

State level Award Ceremony

A State Level Award Ceremony 2020-21 of the National Service Scheme was organized in the college on April 19, 2023. The chief guest of this prize distribution ceremony was Mr. Rajendra Singh Yadav, Minister of State for Higher Education (Independent Charge) and State Home Minister, Government of Rajasthan; Shri Kesar Lalji Meena, Additional Commissioner, College Education Department, Government of Rajasthan; Shri S.P. Bhatnagar, Regional Director, National Service Scheme; Prof. D.S. Chundawat, State ________, Dr. Surendra Singh, State Coordinator NSS, Rajasthan; and Sh. Vinod Lodha, Joint Secretary, Subodh Shiksha Samiti graced the occasion with their benign presence. Chief Guest Mr. Rajendra Singh Yadav congratulated the selected principals, program officers, and volunteers of the National Service Scheme for the state Level award.

Student Enrichment Activity

A conference was organized by Mahatma Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on “Women in the Workforce: Indian Scenario, Challenges and Way Forward” on March 10 and 11, 2023. The conference was attended by the students of Psychology Department. Ms. Atishya Singhal presented a paper on “Understanding the behavioral perspective of Women at Workplace: A literature Review”; Ms. Dipanshi Shekhawat on “A Comparative Study of Life Satisfaction and Adjustment among Semi Urban and Urban Teachers”; Ms. Sanskriti Gupta on “Stereotyping in Workplaces in India” and Ms. Hileri Dehru on “Multi Generations at Workplace.” Dr. Suprithy Paliwal, Head, Department of Psychology chaired the session on “Economics of Gender, Employment and Public Policies.”

National Science Day

NSD-2023 was celebrated on February 28, 2023 ion the theme of “Global Science for Global Well-being” assigned by the DST India and Dr. Anju Pachori, Department of Physics coordinated the event. About 350 students took part in the different science activities like Working Model, Non-Working Model, Debate, Quiz, Short Film Making and Scientific Role Play from different colleges of Rajasthan. The eminent guests of the event were Prof. P.C. Trivedi, Former Vice-Chancellor Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Prof. S.L. Kothari, Director, Amity University, Jaipur, Prof K.V.R. Rao, former Director, Center for Converging Technologies, University of Rajasthan, Prof. Rekha Vijayvergia, Head, Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan and Prof. P.C. Mali, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

E-Commerce and Digital Transformation Summit- 2022

“E-Commerce and Digital Transformation Summit- 2022” was organized by the Faculty of Commerce on December 23, 2022. In the Inaugural ceremony Dr. Chitra Rathore, HOD, EAFM welcomed the judges Dr. Aparna Datta, Principal, B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology and Dr. Manish Kaushik, Principal, MCA Institute and the participants from various colleges. The valedictory ceremony began with the welcome address by Dr. Rashmy Nair, Dean, Examination. Dr. Nimisha Gaur, chief guest and Dr. Aparna Datta, guest of honour of the valedictory ceremony addressed the participants and congratulated the organizing team for the successful conduction of the event.

Youth Parliament

Youth Parliament was organized by the Department of EAFM on November 10, 2022. Participants from different streams created the scene of discussion session of Indian parliament. Prof. N. D. Mathur, Dean of Economics and Social Sciences, J.E.C.R.C. University and Shri Dharmesh Bharti, Assistant Director, News, Jaipur Doordarshan Kendra, graced the event as judges. Prof. K. B. Sharma, Principal, welcomed the guests and threw light on the need of such kind of events for boosting up the confidence of the students. In the end, the winners were given certificates and awards.

Blood Donation Camp

A blood donation camp was organized in the campus on December 14, 2022. It was inaugurated by Dr. Surendra Yadav, State Co-ordinator, NSS. He motivated the students with his inspirational words and stated “there is no greater charity than donating blood, thus everyone should go ahead and donate blood to save others’ lives”. More than 250 students including teaching and non-teaching staff donated their blood for a social cause.

Vaccination camp

Covid-19 vaccinations are constantly monitored by multiple health organizations because of all the pandemonium this virus has caused across the world. In order to facilitate the citizens, the college organised a Covid Vaccination (Booster dose) Camp on August 6, 2022. The camp was inaugurated by Shri. S.P. Bhatnagar, Regional director, Regional Directorate of NSS, Rajasthan. Around 350 people were vaccinated with booster dose and the first as well as the second dose of Covaccine and Covishield were administered. The camp was successfully conducted with the collaboration and effective arrangements of NCC unit, NSS unit, Rover-Ranger unit, Red Ribbon committee of the college.

Independence Day

The college celebrated 76th Independence Day in the campus with full enthusiasm and fervor. The celebration began with the Principal Prof. K.B. Sharma hoisting the national flag. The ceremony was witnessed by faculty and staff members of the college. Every heart was brimming with joy and feeling of patriotism remembering the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. After the flag hoisting, Principal Prof K.B Sharma delivered an address to the faculty members and staff stressing the importance of freedom and continuous hard work.

Republic Day

74th Republic Day was observed on January 26, 2023. The event was quite magnificent and the attendees were filled with patriotic sentiments. The college principal Prof. K.B Sharma unfurled the tricolour and gave a resounding speech on the occasion. He asserted the importance of the day in history and motivated everyone with his enthusiastic words emphasizing the role of education and educators in the country’s progress.

World Yoga Day Celebration

On the occasion of World Yoga Day, June 21, 2022, a yoga session was organised by Ms. Manisha Pareek, Yoga Trainer, to instill the sense and importance of practicing yoga in routine life for maintaining good physical and mental health. On this day, certificates were given to students who participated and successfully completed a certificate course on “Yoga and Wellness”.

International Yoga Day Countdown Series

On May 2, 2023, a mass yoga abhyaas program was conducted under the aegis of International Yoga Day Countdown Day series, 100 days counter program to take Yoga to the masses under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi organised by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India at Bhavani Niketan School, Sikar Road, Jaipur. Almost 500 students of college participated with full enthusiasm.

Personality Development Speech

On the occasion of 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav), Mr. Saurabh Jain, the founder of Pragya Institute of Personality Development with the help of ARL Infratech Ltd, presented a 24 hours Non-stop Speech on Personality Development and Life Skill Management on August 21, 2022. Faculty members and students of the college participated in this program and learned various aspects of personality development and life skill management.


The college became a part of a programme “Ummeed” organized by Open for Smile Always NGO at Birla Auditorium on November 5, 2022. Dedicated to the Indian Army, this programme saluted the life of Kargil Hero and Mahavir Chakra winner Major Digendra Yadav through a stage play. 100 students of the college participated in the programme by becoming a part of the play. The NGO praised the college for its valuable contribution by felicitating Principal Prof. K.B. Sharma. Yuvraj Pareek, BBA Semester III was awarded the Best Volunteer Award and two students Nishant Singh, B.Sc. Semester III & Khushi Sharma, B.Sc. (Physics Honours) Semester I were awarded scholarships of Rs.1,50,000 for training in the academy. All the participating students were given mementoes and certificates.

Exhibition on Historical Coins, Stamps and Autographs

An Exhibition on Historical Coins, Stamps and Autographs was organized by Department of History in collaboration with Philatelic Society organized with an aim to make students aware about their heritage and culture. The exhibition was inaugurated by College Principal, Prof. K.B. Sharma and renowned Social Worker Mr. Sudhir Mathur. Prof. K.B. Sharma shared his views about the great efforts of the society in collecting these valuable and knowledgeable things. Mr. Sudhir Mathur also encouraged students for greater participation in different kinds of events which helps in reconstructing history.The exhibition was displayed by Shri K. N Mathur, Shri Arun Mehta, Shri K K Bhatia, Ajay Mathur (Secretary) Sanjay Jain & Mr. Vishnu Bhargava.

Constitution Day Celebration

On the occasion of Constitution Day, a lecture on “Seven decades of Indian Constitution” was organized by the Department of Political Science of the College on November 26, 2022. Prof. Shyam Mohan Agarwal, University of Rajasthan was present as the keynote speaker in this programme. He apprised the students about the constitutional ideals and importance of fundamental rights in a democracy. On this occasion, College Principal, Prof. K.B. Sharma also congratulated the students on the Constitution Day and apprised them of the constitutional ideals and their present perspective and motivated them to be aware of their rights. At the beginning of the program, the Preamble of the Constitution was read out by college student Ms. Nikita Gulpadia, which was reiterated by all.

Interactive session “Anuvad Sampada”

The college organised an interactive session “Anuvad Sampada” with Prof. Biplaw Kumar, Azim Premji University, Bangalore on December 15, 2022. This programme was about the translation of the college curriculum into regional languages so as to make it more accessible to all students. It was in keeping with NEP 2020. Dhaval Bhaskar, the Resource Person from Azim Premji University emphasized the importance of this program.

Inter College Fest Technitude- 2022

The Inter-College Tech Fest – “Technitude-2022” was organized by the Department of Computer Science on December 16 -17, 2022. Around 650 participants from 22 colleges and universities participated in this event. The program consisted of several interesting activities and events like social media Fever, Hackathon, LAN Gaming/ Mobile Gaming, Rangmanch, Mind Blogger, Viral Voice, Rangavalli, Creatrography (Best out of Waste), Treasure Hunt, Insomnia (Blind Coding), Dueling Directors, and D-Virus (Dance).

Voter Registration Camp

A camp to register students in the voting list through voter helpline app was organized in the college on December 17, 2022. The camp was organized in compliance with the instructions of the Office Electoral Registration Officer, Assembly Constituency, Malviya Nagar in which several students registered themselves. Mr. Sanjeev Tiwari, AAO along with his team members was present in the camp. Shri Tiwari made the students aware about the importance of voting right and emphasized to use it in a judicious manner.

Basant Panchami Celebration

Basant Panchami which marks the beginning of Spring was celebrated in the college on January 26, 2023. The day of the goddess Saraswati began with a special celebration with a rendition of Saraswati vandana. The college Principal lit the lamp and worshipped the goddess of knowledge. Sweets were distributed after the puja and students and teachers offered their prayers to the goddess Saraswati.

A Panel Discussion on Union budget

A panel discussion on Union budget -2023 was organised by Faculty of Commerce on February 10, 2023. The panelists from various fields were CA Rohit Ruwatia, chief guest, CCM, ICAI & State Convener Rajasthan-BJP Economic Cell; Prof. J.P Sharma, Former Vice Chancellor, MLSU, Udaipur; CA Anup Bhatia, FCA, member ICAI; CA Anurag Totuka, State Executive member -BJP Economic Cell.

Panel Discussion on World Consumer Rights Day

A Panel Discussion was organised by the Department of Economics on the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day on March 14, 2023. The dignitaries in the discussion were Additional Deputy Secretary, District Court, Mrs. Ashka Rao, Retired DJ Shri Bhagwan Das Agrawal, Dean, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Law University, Dr. Sanjula Thanvi, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, University of Rajasthan, Dr. Aarti Sharma and Advocate, Rajasthan High Court, Mr. Vizzi Agrawal. A Nukkad Natak was also showcased by the students of Economics department to raise awareness among the students.

Awareness Programmes :

Tree Plantation Awareness Programme

On July 29, 2022 under the aegis of Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya, a tree plantation program was organized under the campaign Kalptaru. About 50 saplings were planted in the college campus, showing awareness about environmental protection through meditation. All the faculty members & students enthusiastically participated in the program and uploaded the picture of planting on Kalpataruh App of Government of India showing their interest in the awareness campaign.

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (Har Ghar Tiranga)

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (Har Ghar Tiranga), was organized in the college on August 5, 2022. On this occasion, the principal, Prof. K.B. Sharma, along with the students, hoisted the tricolour flag in the college with full respect and patriotic feeling. He said that our national flag, very thoughtfully designed, denotes the values of our nation which we adopted and will continue to do so even in the forthcoming years. He distributed flags to students present over there and motivated them to hoist the flag at the roof top.

Women's Health Awareness Programme

The Women's Grievance Redressal Cell of the college organized a Women's Health awareness programme on the occasion of Menstrual Hygiene Day, held on May 28, 2022. Ms. Jyoti, Consultant of the Udaan Programme from the Directorate of Women Empowerment delivered the keynote lecture and broke various taboos related to menstruation and enlightened the students about hygiene to be followed for attaining good health. Ms. Jaspreet solved the queries of the students.

Cyber-Crime and Cyber-Hygiene Awareness programme

An awareness programme on “Cyber-Crime and Cyber-Hygiene” was organized in association with CDTI (Central Detective Training Institute) and BPRD (Bureau of Police Research and Development) on October 18, 2022. Shri Mukesh Choudhary, keynote speaker, updated the students about the various laws that deal with cyber -crime and how to avoid being duped by cyber criminals. An online quiz was also conducted at the end of the programme in which Yajat Singh, B.Sc. Semester III won the third prize.

Early Detection of Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness programme

Women Welfare Cell organized an awareness talk on “Early Detection of Breast and Cervical Cancer” on November 09, 2022. Dr. Rohit Swamy, Medical Oncologist and Dr. Poonam Goyal, Radiation Oncologist from Narayan Multispecialty Hospital, Jaipur were the guest speakers of the program. They raised awareness amongst girl students and female faculty members regarding breast and cervical cancer.

Other Programmes & Activities :


The Inter-College one day competition “Hackathon-2022” was organized on December 16, 2022. This event was organized so that computer programmers could gather to develop new approaches to solving daily life & practical problems and completing large projects. Around 45 participants from 15 colleges and universities participated in this event. Participants submitted their ideas 3 days prior to the day for evaluation. Total 30 students from 10 colleges were shortlisted for next rounds. There were 3 rounds in the activity, where the innovative ideas, benefits to society, programing skills, team work, coordination and presentation of the participated students were tested. The winner was Dhairya Gupta & team from S.S. Jain Subodh P. G. College. A trophy and cash prize of Rs. 5100/- and certificates were given to winners. Shivam Mittal & team were runner-up from IIIM College. Trophy, cash prize of Rs. 3100/- and certificates were given to runner up team.

Literary Talk Show

A literary talk show was organised on May 3, 2023. In which Dr. Rajeev Bagarhatta, Principal, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur was interviewed by Dr. Saumitra Azad, a poet and TV anchor on the book "Well Played -From here to eternity" authored by him. The book is a story of Shree Jagdeesh Prasad Bagarhatta, in his journey from struggle in childhood to a positive change giving the message "You can do it".

Intra- College Competitions
  • On the occasion of World Human Rights Day-December 10, 2022, the college Debate Committee & Human Rights Committee jointly organized an intra- College Debate competition on the topic “The House Believes that in Indian Context the Constitutional and Legal Provisions are Effective in Protecting Human Rights”. Students’ enthusiasm added vigour to the event.
  • The Department of EAFM organized a debate competition on the topic, “Is Paid Media Justifiable?" on November 3, 2022. The department received a good number of registrations and on the final day large number of participants participated in the competition. The event provided an interactive platform to the students where they displayed their best-spoken skills and spontaneity in the competition.
  • Intra College “Poster Making Competition” was organized by the Department of Computer Science on November 12, 2022. Dr. Suchitra Yadav and Dr. Sandeep, Department of Physics, Rajasthan University were the chief guests of the program. Students presented self-explanatory posters on the theme “Growth of Science & Technology after Independence” in digital & handmade form.
  • A poetry recitation competition was organized by the Department of English under the aegis of the Humanities Club on April 23, 2022. Around 50 students recited their poetry comprising of various genres and aspects of life.
  • Department of Business Administration organized a Group Power Point presentation competition on contemporary business issues on September 21, 2022. Certificates of appreciation were given to the winners and all participants.
  • ‘Critical Appreciation through PowerPoint Presentation’ activity was organised by the Department of English on December 13, 2022. It was followed by viva –voce in order to enhance the Communication and Interpretative Skills of the U.G. and P.G. students. Students explained their chosen texts relating to history of English literature, poems, novels and figures of speech through PPTs and answered the queries.
Botany Laboratories Inauguration

The newly constructed Botany Laboratories were inaugurated by Prof. P.C. Trivedi, Former Vice-Chancellor Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur and Prof. S.L. Kothari, Former Head, Department of Botany in presence of our college management member Sh. Vinod Lodha and Sh. V.C. Daga on February 28, 2023.

Orientation Programme by Santhusta Foundation

Our MOU partner Santhusta conducted an orientation programme for the college students on September 24, 2022, to inculcate empathy in them for the under-privileged children. As a part of the initiative, many students offered their services as volunteers to teach small children in slum areas.

Orientation Program for PG Students

An orientation programme was organised for the post graduate students of Department of EAFM on September 5, 2022. It was an interaction of students with their respective faculty and they got an insight into the course details. Dr. Satish Sharma formally introduced them with the working of the college and various career opportunities available to them after the completion of this course.

Fresher cum Farewell Party

Department of Computer Science organized Fresher’s Party on March 21, 2023. A Freshers cum Farewell was organised for the P.G. students of all streams on April 21, 2023. About 310 students registered for the event and gave amazing performances in singing, dancing, mimicry and open mic. First Round was Ramp Walk followed by Talent Round and question answer session. Miss Fresher was Chanchal Sharma and Mr. Fresher was Aditya Sharma, Mr. Best Dress was Ankit and Miss Best Dress was Dolly Tinkar. Best Performer title was won by Drishti Sharma. Nikhil Prajapati and Jhanavi Sharma of MSc Previous Chemistry were crowned as Mr. and Ms. Subodh respectively.