Sociology provides many distinctive perspectives of the world, generating new ideas and critiquing the old. This field also offers a range of research techniques that can be applied to virtually any aspect of social life: street crime and delinquency, corporate downsizing, how people express emotions, welfare or education reform, how families differ and flourish, or problems of peace and war. The Department of Sociology analyzes the nature of groups, tribes, women and other marginalized groups. We seek to locate the individual and his/her thinking in a social context and analyze an individual's behavior and thinking. Marx, Weber and Durkheim are looked alongside Goffman and Habermas. The attempt is to analyze individual predicament, pragmatic solutions and evaluate the life in 21st century. The Masters in Social Work program trains students for careers in social work; to serve society and tackle its problems and not simply to understand it. The interface between Sociology and Social work help seeking scientific solutions of social and individual problems.
Programmes/Courses Offered |
Course Offered (UG) | B.A. Sociology
Course Offered (PG) | M.A. Sociology
Master of Social Works (MSW)